Happy New Year

At this, the darkest time of the year in Northern Alberta, I like to light up my life with LED, and prepare for new beginnings. I feel much like I imagine some of my plants feel, hunkered down in their pots, waiting for a taste of the sunshine that signals it is time to start growing again. Here in the dark, I keep warm and busily engaged in dreaming up my plans for the new year, and yes, observing what I accomplished this year, and contemplating what changes I might like to make to have an even more successful 2016. I have lots of time this week to reflect on all the changes that have happened over the years, an occupation made even easier by the internet. The fire is burning in my wood stove.  My little hot tub is standing resolute at 40C, offering me respite from the chill outdoors. Life is good to me. May you, too, be warm and enjoy a season of respite as you prepare for the best year ever. Happy 2016!


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Pamela
    Dec 27, 2015 @ 17:30:25

    Happy New Year Alida. May it be happy, healthy & prosperous for all your family. Pamela xx


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